Easy and fast salmon pie

Mari Moilanen’s salmon pie takes your tongue away.

Cold smoked salmon pie, which is made into its finished butter dough, is amazingly easy and quick to make. It suits the mood of the upcoming weekend.

Something tasty blog Mari Moilanen says that when he wants good but can’t cook anything big, the ready-made butter dough is dug out of the frost.

– This pie is such a pizza substitute. The pie just from the oven is leafy, tasty and plentiful.

Moilanen suggests that cold-smoked salmon pie should be ear-marked for Easter.

Why not even after the summer sauna.

– Such a simple, but even tastier pie will delight you at the end of a sauna trip.

Cold smoked salmon pie

(For 4 people)

1 large (600 g) sheet of puff pastry

200 g of ricotta cheese

200 g of French cream

2 yolks

1 tablespoon lemon juice

½ Grated lemon zest

a few crumbs of black pepper from a mill


150 g cold smoked salmon

100 g bunch of cherry tomatoes

1 sweet onion

1/2 fennel

4 large pitted green olives

For lubrication:


For decoration:


fennel tassels

1. Melt the dough sheet according to the instructions on the package. Roll it up a little and lift it onto baking paper on a low baking sheet or baking tray (35 × 24 cm). Leave just over an inch of the edges of the pie and prick the center with a fork. Lightly grease the edges with a beaten egg.

2. Slice the sweet onion and fennel into thin strips. Slice the olives into a few parts.

3. Mix the ricotta, crème fraîche, yolks and spices vigorously. It doesn’t matter if the ricotta is left a little lumpy. Pour more than half of the mixture over the bottom. (You can also leave some of the mixture as a sauce to add after baking.)

4. Place the bunches of cherry tomatoes, olives and thinly thin slices of onion and fennel on the pie and bake at 200 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

3. Add a slice of salmon over the cooked pie and enjoy. Serve with ricotta sauce as an addition.

Easy pieces of salmon from cake batter.
