Easy and delicious strawberry cake

Summer is the golden age of strawberry cakes.

Orange crème fraîche goes well with strawberries. Mari Moilanen

This food supplier Mari Moilanen strawberry cake is not the most common, but still delicious and easy.

In this strawberry cake recipe, the strawberries are eaten ripe.

You should definitely try it, because the cake has received a lot of praise.

Even one baker stated that this would be done again immediately.

Strawberry cake

(for 6 people)

2 1/2 dl cane sugar

3 1/4 dl spelled wheat flour

3 eggs

1/2 liter of halved strawberries

Orange French Cream Sauce:

1 cup (200 g) sour cream

Grated peel of 1 orange

2 tablespoons of powdered sugar

1. Rinse the strawberries. Remove the stems and cut the strawberries into quarters, split the smallest strawberries.

2. Beat the eggs and sugar until foamy. Add the flour in batches, gently lifting it into the egg foam.

3. Finally, add the chopped strawberries.

4. Put baking paper on the bottom of a 22 centimeter round springform pan. Grease and breadcrumb the pan.

5. Pour the dough into the pan and bake for one hour in the oven at 180 degrees. Cover the surface with baking paper if it starts to darken too much.

6. Mix the vanilla, grated orange peel and powdered sugar into the crème fraîche. Serve with the cooled cake.

Strawberries can also be used to make a sweet lasagna:

Recipe: Mari Moilanen
