Easy and delicious classic brita cake

The filling cake is the self-righteous crown of the banquet table.

Brita is a summer cake classic. Roni Lehti

The cake, beautifully decorated with berries and edible flowers, gives the festive table a final touch. The cake and sparkling drink are part of the celebration. Although the cake should look good, it can still be easy to make.

Chef of Pippuri.fi Risto Mikkolan My favorite is the classic British cake.

– It’s delicious. It has sweetness, the berries become suitably acid, the meringue has a wonderful stickiness and the almonds give a mouthfeel, Mikkola praises.

In addition to everything else good, brita is easy to make. The base can be baked in advance and on the holiday just beat the cream and assemble the cake. Even with the decoration, there is no need to fumble, as the berries are placed on the cake with appropriate carefree care. Perfect.

Britain’s charm is also in the layering of the base. The first layer resembles a sugar cake base, but thanks to butter it is succulent than a regular sugar cake. The upper layer is sticky crispy meringue.

The British filling is often just whipped cream in its simplicity. Spring and early summer are the golden age of rhubarb, so Mikkola wanted to cook the jam between the cakes. Lemon paste also fits between the British.

This time the brita is baked in a round loose pan, but just as well the cake base can be baked on a baking sheet, or two bases in two loose basins. It depends on the number of eaters and of course also how personal they are to the sweet treat.

Mikkola calls the British a timeless favorite. At least once a summer, there is a strawberry cream cake baked by Mikkola, but also a British cake.

According to Mikkola, the British cake has come from Sweden to Finland. In the western neighborhood, the cake has several names: pinocchiotårta, herrgårdstårta and sommartårta. There is no sure when the cake will land in Finland.

But good to be ashore. Brita is a classic.

– Favorite summer treat.

The Britakakun can be baked in a loose pan or on a baking sheet. Roni Lehti


Cake base:

125 g of butter

80 g of sugar

2 yolks

100 g of wheat flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 dl whole milk

1. Whisk the butter and sugar into a fluffy and light foam, add the yolks one at a time and mix until smooth.

2. Mix the dry ingredients together and add the butter foam to the milk in a few parts, alternating with the milk. Mix the dough until smooth.

3. Spread the dough evenly on a loose-bottomed pan (remember the baking paper on the bottom) and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove the pre-baked base from the oven, spread the meringue over it and continue baking for another 5 minutes.


2 proteins

80 g of sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

2 tablespoons almond chopper

1. Whisk the proteins into a light lather, add the sugars in portions and whisk until the meringue is complete (turn the bowl upside down).

2. Stir the almond chips into the meringue. Spread the meringue on top of the pre-baked cake base and bake for another 5 minutes.

3. Remove the cake base from the oven and allow to cool for a while, remove from the pan and cool completely. The cake base can also be made the day before.

4. Cut the base of the cake into two evenly sized pieces and fill with whipped cream, rhubarb jam and berries.

Rhubarb jam

500 g of rhubarb

½ dl of water

150 g of sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla sugar

peel of half a lemon

1. Peel and chop the rhubarb, put all the ingredients in a saucepan. When the jam starts to boil, Collect the foam and cook the jam on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and use jam between and over the cake.

Whipped cream

2.5 dl whipped cream

a pinch of sugar

1. Whisk the cream into a light lather and lift half of the whipped cream between the pieces of cake and the rest of the whipped cream over the cake.


1 box of strawberries

1 box (shrub) of blueberries

1. Chop the strawberries and place the berries evenly in the middle layer and on top of the cake as a garnish.

The bubbly tinted with rhubarb and raspberry bends nicely into a British cake buddy.
