Easter Island will soon be open to tourists again after more than two years | To travel

After a hiatus of more than two years due to the corona pandemic, Easter Island will allow tourists again from August 1. This was announced by the Chilean Ministry of Economy and Tourism.

The world-famous Easter Island is located in the Pacific Ocean, about 3,500 kilometers west of the Chilean coast. The island is best known for its moais, giant stone statues.

Currently, access to the island is still limited. In addition, there is only one flight per week to the island. But from August, two to three flights a week with tourists would be carried out. Before the corona crisis, tourism was an important source of income for Easter Island.

The government has set a condition that eighty percent of the population must be vaccinated against the corona virus. Currently, about 73 percent of the 10,000 inhabitants have been vaccinated.

Only a handful of coronavirus infections have been identified on Easter Island. According to the local government, the pandemic has not led to hospitalizations or deaths.
