Easter crowds back in church and city: “We have already eaten all the Easter eggs”

The Easter crowds are back in both the church and the city. Easter is an important day for members of parish de Graangrain in Amsterdam-Zuidoost. In other parts of the city, the Easter spirit sometimes seems a bit watered down: “I actually have no idea what we’re celebrating.”

For Melindez Maal, assistant at the parish, it is nice to see that the whole church is full again: ” During corona we had to say no to many parishioners when the service was already full, but now there is no maximum number. It’s a really nice gathering, especially for the elderly in our midst.”

During the service there is a special moment for the children. They are also busy with the Easter thought: “For me Easter is coming together, love for everything”, says a boy who came with his grandmother. “We’re going to have brunch with the whole family later.”

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People in the rest of the city are not sitting still either. But the question is whether that is because of Easter or the beautiful weather. Not everyone knows exactly what these days are about: “I wouldn’t know. The birth of Jesus?” reacts a passer-by on the Museumplein. “Isn’t Easter new life? In the trees, in the ground, in the flowers?” a girl wonders. “He died”, another visitor tells about Jesus.

The assistant of parish de Graangrain explains what exactly is celebrated during Easter. “Christ dies on Good Friday, and at Easter we celebrate his rising from the dead,” Maal said. “And that he is on his way to heaven.”

Easter eggs or not?

A meeting in church or an outing to the center of the city: people who have a day off make the most of it. A father and daughter are on their way to the Rijksmuseum together: “Normally we always look for eggs at Easter, but not this year,” says the girl. “We’ve already eaten them all,” her father says.

Three friends from Finland and America enjoy a self-proclaimed ‘fanta’ in the sun. “No Easter eggs for us this year, but we’re going to an Easter dinner tonight.” They do notice that everything in the city continues as usual: “I expected that more would be done at Easter, it almost seems like a normal Sunday.”
