Earthquake with a force of 2.2 near Wirdum in Groningen

An earthquake with a magnitude of 2.2 occurred at Wirdum in Groningen on Saturday. That has it KNMI announced. The earthquake struck at 12:14 a.m. at a depth of 3 kilometers. The quake was induced, meaning there is no natural cause for it.

Earthquakes are more common in the province of Groningen as a result of gas extraction. Earlier this month there was also an earthquake near Wirdum, then with a magnitude of 3.1. That was the heaviest earthquake of this year and one of the ten heaviest earthquakes measured in Groningen so far. State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief (Mining, D66) then visited Wirdum to listen to the residents.

Hundreds of damage reports were received at the Groningen Mining Damage Institute (IMG) after the quake. It is not yet known whether damage has occurred after the most recent quake. Mayor Ben Visser of the municipality of Eemsdelta, which includes Wirdum, says on Twitter “unfortunately” to conclude that the “underground is quite restless at the moment”.

Also read: Parliamentary inquiry reveals that money has always been dominant in gas extraction decision-making
