Earthquake Turkey | Spain activates the shipment of aid to Turkey and Syria after the earthquake

02/06/2023 at 10:38


In response to the request of the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the Ministry of the Interior has activated the Military Emergency Unit (UME) and urgent air transport to support search tasks

Government has activated the sending of urgent aid to Turkey and Syria to participate in the search and rescue tasks of victims after the earthquake that this morning has shaken both countries.

This has been advanced by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in a message on social networks, in which he has expressed his solidarity with Turkey and Syria “in the face of one of the biggest earthquakes in their history”.

Sánchez has indicated that, in response to the request of the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the Ministry of the Interior has activated the Military Emergency Unit (UME) and urgent air transport to support search tasks.

The southeast of Turkey has been shaken in the early hours of this Monday by a strong earthquake, of magnitude 7.4 degrees, followed by several aftershocks, which have been felt in numerous cities, and in neighboring countries, such as Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Georgia.

According to the provisional balance offered by the Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay at 7:00 GMT, the series of earthquakes has claimed the lives of at least 284 people and has left 2,232 injured.

The epicenter of the initial quake, which lasted about 30 seconds, It has occurred in the Kahramanmaras region, some 600 kilometers southeast of a depth of seven kilometers.

The governments of Russia, Ukraine and Israel have also offered their help to Turkey following the death of more than 280 people from a 7.4 magnitude earthquake on the open Richter scale near the Syrian border.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has conveyed his “deep condolences” to his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for the “great loss of life and massive destruction caused by the powerful earthquake,” according to a statement published by the Kremlin via their website.

Thus, he stressed that Russia “He is prepared to give all necessary help” to the Turkish authorities, a message that he has also conveyed to the President of Syria, Bashar al Assad, to whom he has also communicated his “sincere condolences” for the “tragic consequences” of the earthquake.

For his part, the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelensky, has sent Erdogan their “sincere condolences” for the earthquake in the south of the country. “I wish all the victims a speedy recovery. In these difficult times, we will be close to the Turkish people. We are prepared to give the necessary help to overcome the consequences of this disaster,” he pointed out in his account on the social network Twitter .

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, has expressed himself in this line, who has shown his “deep regret” for the “serious earthquake”. “Our hearts go out to the victims and we wish the injured a speedy recovery. I have ordered the Israeli Foreign Ministry to lead a rapid aid program for Turkey to deal with this serious disaster,” he detailed.
