Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: new balance of victims and rescues

UNESCO offers to help protect the historical heritage of Turkey and Syria after the earthquakes

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has started a “initial investigation” of the damage suffered in the historical heritage of Turkey and Syria after the earthquakes on Monday and has offered to “stabilize” these enclaves to prevent possible damage or even total destruction. The first objective is to establish a “accurate inventory of damage”after the strong tremors have caused damage in areas such as the aleppo citadelin it northern syria. In fact, UNESCO is “especially” concerned about this area, which was already on the list of endangered heritage due to the war in which the country has been plunged since 2011.

“The west tower of the old city has collapsed and several buildings in the souks have been damaged,” the organization explains in a statement. UNESCO has also lamented the collapse of various buildings in Diyarbakir fort and in thes Hevsel Gardenslocated in the southeast of Turkey, while fearing effects on the Göbekli Tepe archaeological monumenthe mount nemrut and the enclave of Arslantepe.
