Earn money despite parental leave: These options are available for additional income

This is what is meant by maternity leave

The so-called parental leave is a temporary release from work for the employee, which can be taken immediately after the birth of a child up to the age of three. Since there is no remuneration from the respective employer during this period, the state supports the employee by paying out a wage replacement benefit – the so-called parental allowance – in order to secure his livelihood. If the employee is employed during parental leave, according to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the specific months of the child’s life are taken as a point of reference for determining the additional earnings. For example, if a child was born on January 15th, the period between this and February 14th is decisive. The next determination period then begins on February 15th and ends on March 14th and so on.

These framework conditions must be observed

Parental leave is not synonymous with a cancellation of the existing employment contract. This usually continues during the leave of absence, so that according to the mini-job center the employer should definitely be asked for permission if the employee would like to take up employment in another company or private household. The request for permission should be in writing and include the number of weekly hours to be worked in the future. In addition to the employer, the responsible parental allowance office must also be informed about any additional income during parental leave, since any income will be offset against the parental allowance.

How many hours can be worked despite parental leave

Since caring for the child has priority during parental leave, the statutory 30-hour limit must be observed. According to Elterngeld.net, if this is exceeded, the employee loses his entitlement to parental allowance for the relevant month of the child’s life. If the parental allowance was applied for for the minimum reference period of two months, it will also be canceled for the second month if it is exceeded. The following applies to self-employment: The profit that is made within the parental allowance reference period is divided by the number of reference months. The amount of income generated is then credited proportionately to each reference month.

Inna Warkus / Editor finanzen.net

Image sources: Katy Spichal / Shutterstock.com, janinajaak / Shutterstock.com
