€4.1 billion allocated to sustainable projects | news item

News item | 01-07-2022 | 17:15

More than 3,800 applications for the SDE++, the most important scheme with which the government supports sustainable (energy) projects, have been approved for the 2021 opening round. In total, these projects will receive a maximum of € 4.1 billion. That is the maximum subsidy over the entire term. Actual expenditure is expected to be lower due to higher energy and CO2 prices or project cancellations. The largest part of the approved applications (more than 3,500) consists of sun-on-roof projects. In addition, a large part of the budget goes to sustainable heat projects such as geothermal energy, green gas and electric boilers in industry. All approved projects together can save 1.67 Mton CO2 per year.

In total, more than 4,200 applications were submitted for a total of € 12.1 billion. The applications for CO₂ capture and storage totaling €6.1 billion have all been withdrawn or rejected. These projects are all linked to the Aramis project, a project to enable CO2 storage at sea, which requires more time to realize. These projects can re-apply to the SDE++ 2022.

Hash marks in the SDE++ from 2023

From the opening round in 2023, ‘gates’ will be added to the SDE++ scheme. A hash mark ensures that a certain budget is reserved for a specific group of techniques. As a result, techniques that are less cost-effective in the short term, but which are necessary for the energy transition in the longer term, are discussed more often. At the opening round in 2023, gates will therefore be introduced for Low-temperature heat (such as solar and aquathermal), High-temperature heat (such as ultra-deep geothermal energy and electric boilers) and Molecules (such as green gas and renewable fuels). For all three technology groups, €750 million will be reserved with a reference budget of €5 billion in 2023. Within the categories marked with a hash, the maximum subsidy per ton of CO2 avoided will be increased from €300 to €400 per ton of CO2 for slightly more expensive technologies with long-term potential. , such as aquathermal energy, a better chance. The competitive principle continues to apply in which cost-effective projects are offered earlier.

The maximum subsidy amount for CCS projects will be increased on the basis of new external research. Because this could increase the total budget for CCS in 2022 and leave less budget for other technologies, the ceiling for CCS in 2022 will not be increased by 1.5 Mton, but by 0.6 Mton. Due to the introduction of the gates, other techniques are guaranteed to be discussed from 2023. The CCS ceiling will therefore expire in 2023 at the same time as the introduction of the fences.
