Dynasties II, animals and savannah in the doc-event on Rete 4

F.are a safaristaying comfortably on the sofa at home. It is possible thanks to Dynasties II – The adventure of a lifetime, BBC documentary-event broadcast tonight on Rete 4 at 21.20 (and on Focus), a first viewing in Italy divided into three evenings.

Dynasties IIthe dynasties of the animals of the savannah

Dynasties II it tells about birth, growth, group dynamics, especially the struggle for survival that six families of animals (two per evening) must face every day. It starts with cheetahs and elephantsit continues in the second episode with puma and hyenaswhile the third and final evening is dedicated to meerkats and macaques (about fifty minutes for each family).

A cheetah waiting for prey, Zambia. (Mediaset)

The stalking lasted years

Hours and hours of stalking e films made in the course of one, in some cases even two years, make the viewer witness rare scenes, if not never taken before. For example two female pumas fighting each other for the territory.

Often the point of view is that of the mother who fights to defend her cubs and ensure the development of the species. That is, guaranteeing the following of the dynasty. From here in fact Dynasties, the title of the documentary.

Dynasties II

BBC team films a hyena, Zambia (Mediaset)

Dynasties II leaves with cheetah mother Kali

It starts, we said, with cheetahs: there is Kali, cheetah mother who in Zambia protects her puppies from the assault of hyenas, but only three out of fourteen can survive. However, a positive result if you consider that 70% of cheetah cubs can be killed by predators (hyenas and lions) or end up victims of fire, floods or birds of prey. Following the story of Kali, the documentary introduces the world of cheetah generally, the fastest animal in the world (reaches 103 kilometers per hour, with bursts of speed that compete with racing cars).

It continues with Angelina giving birth to twin baby elephants

The first evening then moves on in Kenya by Angelina, an elephant who performs a very rare event: the birth of two twin elephants. In this way we follow the feeding and the typical day of this colony of savannah giants that spends most of their time eating and walking, to move and avoid predators.

Fur animals, the definitive stop arrives: in Italy they can no longer be raised and killed

Fur animals, the definitive stop arrives: in Italy they can no longer be raised and killed

Then it’s up to pumas and hyenas

In the second episode the protagonists are Rupestre, Patagonian puma spectacularly fighting with llamas (almost three times the size of a puma) to raise the four puppies, And Suna, a hyena that suddenly becomes the leader of the pack in the Zambian grasslands and, on the one hand, he finds himself rivaling a much younger hyena, and on the other, he faces one of the worst droughts ever, which puts the herd in danger.

Dynasties II network 4 documentary

The mother puma, Rupestre, with her cubs in Patagonia. (Mediaset)

The images of pumas playing licking themselves or hyenas going crazy for a nice refreshing dip make you melt from the sweetness.

Dynasties II ends with meerkats and macaques

The third evening witnesses the exploits of Maghogho, a young meerkat leader of the pack, who has the task of making his dynasty survive in one of the hardest places on the planet: the desolate and arid salt flats Makagikadi in Botswana. It is so hot here that it is difficult to survive, but she is here where she has to raise her puppies. And to do that, she needs the help of the whole family.

Dynasties II

BBC team captures meerkats in Botswana. (Mediaset)

Finally, there is the story of Mac, the leader of a group of macaques in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco who must defend the herd and fend off rivals who want to snatch his crown. To resume Mac’s life, the BBC team used all kinds of equipment: drones, 50-1500mm lenses, cable camera through trees, a portable movi system and even a special camera stabilized and connected to a helicopter.

Dynasties II

Herd of elephants, Kenya. (Mediaset)

The strength of the BBC experience

The quality is the best you can get: these documentaries, in fact, are produced by BBC Studios and are made by the Natural History Unit, a department of the British network specialized in the naturalistic sector, known for being the largest and most authoritative in the world in the production of documentaries on wild animals. At the head of the project Dynasties II there’s Mike Gunton, an authority on the industry (he signed for example Planet Earthawarded with an Emmy and a BAFTA).

It seems to be in the savannah

The images and stories told are the most spectacular you can get. The viewer has the impression of being there, in the middle of the savannah, almost having the sensation of being able to touch elephants or macaques. It can also happen to jump at the momentum of a hyena, because it seems to come at us, exiting the screen..

Sure, sweat and heartbeat are not the same as those who do live jeep stalking, but palpitations and emotions are genuine.

Dynasties II

The puma faces a llama, three times the size, Patagonia (Mediaset)

So TV is green

The documentaries Dynasties II they seem to fit in in a trend of green TV which is becoming more and more popular. It is about programs that aim to tell the wonders of the territory, both in terms of nature and in terms of food and wine, to promote environmental protection and biodiversity.

Let’s talk about broadcasts like Green Summer Line on Rai 1 (with Angela Rafanelli and Giuseppe Calabrese), Green Life Line (with Marcello Masi and Daniela Ferolla), Blue Line (with Donatella Bianchi), Donnavventura returned to Rai (Rai 2) after thirty-three years, on Sundays at 12, o Camper (with Roberta Morise and Tinto) summer spin off of Green Line. Programs often in the Rai schedule. With Dynasties II Mediaset seems almost to be trying to fill a “hole”. And it does so starting from the best that is available at an international level.

