Dylan van Baarle on his way to Jumbo-Visma | cycling

Van Baarle is in his fifth year with Ineos (formerly Sky), and has developed into one of the most wanted riders in the peloton with the British top formation. In the Tour de France, the blond executioner was one of the most important servants of Egan Bernal in 2019, who then took the overall win.

In the one-day races he worked his way up to the absolute world top. Last year after his impressive solo performance in Dwars door Vlaanderen and his silver medal during the World Championship on the road, Van Baarle gained more and more faith in his own abilities. This season, after his second place in the Tour of Flanders, he took the ‘big fish’ he had worked so hard for. In Paris-Roubaix, the speed rider turned out to be in a class of his own.

With the likely arrival of Van Baarle, Jumbo has by far the strongest block for the classics. In addition to Wout van Aert, it already has access to, among others, Christophe Laporte, Tiesj Benoot and Mike Teunissen.

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