Dylan Haegens surprised: appears as a drag queen on TV | 1Limburg

YouTuber Dylan Haegens from Venray surprised more than a million viewers on Saturday evening by appearing on TV as drag queen Hedy Gold.

That happened in the RTL 4 program Make Up Your Mind. This shows how several famous Dutch people transform themselves into (extravagant) drag queens for once. Jury members Fred van Leer and Nikkie de Jager have the task of guessing which celebrity is hiding behind the various drag queens.

Jan Smit and Chantal Janzen
The jury members, including one-time panel members Jan Smit and Chantal Janzen, have no idea who Hedy Gold is. “I think Buddy Vedder,” says Jan. “I don’t know what happened here, I was just sure that I would recognize them. And then I thought: that’s silly, then I’m sitting here and then I advise everyone. But I have no idea,” says a somewhat surprised Chantal.

Also read: New film Dylan Haegens: Elise Schaap plays the lead

Haegens does not convince enough after his first performance and has to make himself known. “I really enjoyed doing it, almost broke my ankles a few times, but they’re still alive,” the YouTuber said after his announcement.

‘Inspire others’
During some behind-the-scenes images, it appears that Haegens wants to participate in order to inspire others. “I have a fairly young target audience on YouTube and I think it would be great to inspire people to think wider. And I hope they all like it of course.”

Make Up Your Mind can be seen every Saturday evening at 21:35 on RTL 4.
