DVHN Comment| Remkes’ reprimand for the cabinet is a moral support for the farmers

The report by nitrogen broker Johan Remkes can partly be read as a reprimand for The Hague’s politics in general, and the cabinet in particular. De Groninger places the farmers’ resistance to nitrogen policy in the context of an agricultural policy that has been wavering and failing for years, the gap between town and countryside, an insufficient sense of the human dimension and the lack of perspective for the agricultural sector.

Misunderstood and misunderstood

Whatever Remkes wants to say: against this background it is understandable that the rigid nitrogen plans of the cabinet have evoked even more emotions and anger among the farmers. They have felt misunderstood and misunderstood for years.

It is commendable in Remkes that he has found words with which the farmers feel they have done justice. The appreciation for this is apparent from the initial reactions from their interest groups and Member of Parliament Caroline van der Plas (BBB), who usually presents herself as the mouthpiece of the protesting farmers.

Great resistance

With all empathy for the agricultural sector, Remkes also maintains that nitrogen emissions should in principle be halved by 2030. His recommendation to buy out 500 to 600 ‘peak loaders’ within a year, if necessary, is met with great resistance from the farmers’ organizations.

The farmers also make a profit in Remkes’ recommendations. The controversial nitrogen standard for nature reserves and the criticized nitrogen map of Minister Christianne van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen) are, as far as he is concerned, off the table. In addition, he wants to evaluate in 2025 and 2028 whether the goals for 2030 are achievable. This means that the controversial target date for halving emissions seems to have been stripped of its sharpest edges

Come to terms

An agreement on nitrogen policy is still a long way off. It would be to the farmers’ credit, however, if they recognized tips in Remkes’ advice that are worth re-opening consultations with the cabinet. Moreover, they feel morally supported by the admonishing words of the mediator towards the cabinet. That must be more open to the difficult position of the farmers if it is to have a chance of coming to terms with them.
