DVHN Comment | Money was more important than the safety of Groningers, according to the parliamentary inquiry. Will that play again?

Money was more important than the safety of the people of Groningen. This has clearly come to the fore in the twenty-three public hearings that the parliamentary committee of inquiry for gas extraction in Groningen has held so far.

(VLNR) Anne Kuik (CDA), Stieneke van der Graaf (Christenunie), Judith Tielen (VVD), Tom van der Lee (Groenlinks), Barbara Kathmann (Pvda), Peter Kwint (SP) and Hulya Kat (D66) in the Survey room of the House of Representatives during the resumption of the public hearings of the parliamentary inquiry committee for natural gas extraction in Groningen. The committee is investigating the years of gas drilling in the province. Photo: Bart Maat
