Dutchman in court who sold suicide powder to more than 500 people via his website | Abroad

The Dutch judiciary will again prosecute a supplier of ‘Means X’. The suspect, 76-year-old Tom de M. from Castricum (province of North Holland), is said to have sold postal packages containing suicide powder through his website for years. The Public Prosecution Service suspects him of aiding suicide to seven people and of money laundering. That writes the daily newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’.

According to the judiciary, more than 500 people would have ordered Middel X from De M. and he would have earned ‘a considerable amount of money’ with it. The seven deaths occurred in 2021 and 2022. One of the deceased was a 33-year-old man.

The case with our northern neighbors was discovered after a 54-year-old man committed suicide just across the border in Breda in 2021 and Drug X was found in his blood. The M. was traced through a postal package.

The lawsuit against De M. is the second in the large-scale investigation initiated by the Dutch judiciary into the distribution of Drug X. Recently, 30-year-old provider Alex S. was sentenced to three and a half years in prison, of which one and a half years suspended, for assisted suicide .

What is Medium X?

Agent X stands for a number of toxic substances, which are used by the chemical industry, among others. One of the substances, a preservative, has been renamed suitable suicide drug and has also been used for suicide in recent years. A (attempted) suicide with this substance is not always painless and can even cause serious side effects. Someone who takes Drug X gets oxygen deficiency in the cells and dies as a result. Once taken there is no going back.

(Source: National Care Guide Netherlands)

LOOK. At least six people in the Netherlands died of “suicide powder”

If you have questions about suicide, you can contact the Suicide Line via the free number 1813 or on www.zelfmoord1813.be.
