Dutchman dies in front of filming partner while jumping off cliff on Mallorca | Abroad

A 31-year-old Dutchman died on Thursday afternoon in Mallorca when he jumped off a cliff. He hit the rocks and then disappeared into the waves.

According to the emergency services, the tourist jumped from a cliff about 25 meters high on the Malgrats Islands, located off the coast of Santa Ponça in the southwest of the Spanish island, around 1.45 pm. His partner filmed the jump from a boat with her cell phone and watched it crash into rocks before plunging into the sea and disappearing into the waves, local media reported.

In the images, filmed against the sunlight and published on the newspaper’s news site Diario de Majorca, shows a dark shadow standing atop a cliff, jumping down with the encouragement of onlookers and hitting the jagged rocks just before the water’s surface, before bouncing off his body and disappearing into the waves. “Oh my God,” a woman shouts from a boat in horror. Then the image stops.

While the girlfriend of the victim was receiving psychological help, the Guardia Civil (the Spanish military police) and the maritime search and rescue brigade (Sasemar) launched a search for the victim. A rescue boat and helicopter were deployed as well as a team specialized in underwater searches for persons or objects (Geas).

That underwater team of the Guardia Civil has now located the body at the bottom of the sea, a spokesman told the Spanish news agency EFE. Emergency services are on site and hope to recover the remains in the coming hours.

The Dutchman had sailed to the uninhabited islands with his partner and their son in a rental boat. Once on site, he climbed to the highest part of the cliff and jumped down. However, he misjudged his jump and crashed into the rocks at the base of the cliff. His lifeless body sank afterwards.
