Dutch woman found dead by construction workers in vacant building in Italy | Inland

Sara, 40, had been missing since early December. Even the much-watched Italian TV program Chi l’ha visto? (Who has seen him?) paid attention to her disappearance in a broadcast. She went missing after she had a big fight with her Italian friend Corrado Mannato, after which she left home without money, without proof of identity and without mobile phone.

An investigation is now underway into the cause of her death. Both murder and suicide are taken into account. An autopsy will be performed on her body.

Sara lived in the Netherlands until 2018. Then she got to know Corrado and came to live in Italy. In the program Chi l’ha visto? the Italian had said that they had argued, but that no physical violence had been used. Sara would not have liked it in Italy and wanted to go back to the Netherlands. Corrado said during the program that he thought she wanted to cool off outside and never expected her not to come back. He said he hoped she was still alive and somewhere safe.


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