Dutch singer, composer and writer Jan Rot (64) passed away | showbiz

showbizJan Rot passed away on Friday morning at the age of 64. This was announced in a message on his Facebook page. The Dutch singer, composer and writer had metastatic colon cancer. Rot is best known in Flanders for his version of ‘On a Beautiful Whitsun Day’, with Rick de Leeuw.

“This morning Jan left life peacefully and full of love,” reads the message on Facebook. “He has opted for a silent cremation, without a funeral.”

Rot was a writer of books and songs and he translated the lyrics of musicals like ‘Hello, Dolly!’ and ‘Jersey Boys’. The lyrics of the Dutch version of rock opera ‘Tommy’ by The Who are also written by him. His farewell album ‘IPV Cards’ was released earlier this month.

Rot, together with Rick de Leeuw, singer of Tröckener Kecks, had a modest hit in Flanders in 1991 with their version of ‘On a Beautiful Whitsun Day’, a song with lyrics by Annie MG Schmidt that had previously become known thanks to Leen Jongewaard and André van the Hill.

metastatic cancer

Rot announced in August 2021 that he had metastatic cancer. This month, the musician announced that he had only a few weeks to live and that therefore he had to cancel all his performances. “I hope to make it a special time with my family and thank everyone for all the warmth, support and applause over the past decades. I’m not out of here yet, but let me tell you: It was a wonderful life,” he wrote on Facebook.

The musician was very open about his illness in his column for the AD and on social media. Rot was also on TV when he participated for the second time in ‘De Slimste Mens’ in January 2022. The KRO-NCRV very exceptionally said yes to a second participation because it was one of his last wishes. In 2012, Rot lost the final, ten years later he was knocked out in the quarterfinals.

The musician leaves behind his wife Daan and their four children.
