Dutch record for Toussaint and Schouten does not yield a medal

Kira Toussaint (Assendelft) and Tes Schouten (Amsterdam) swam a Dutch record with Maaike de Waard and Marrit Steenbergen. That was achieved during the final of the 4×100 meter medley relay in Budapest. It was the last race of the World Long Course Swimming Championships.

The quartet finished after 3.57.24 minutes. It only resulted in fifth place, but an improvement on the old record of 3.57.28 minutes. That was swum during the 2012 Olympic Games in London by Inge Dekker (Amsterdam), Sharon van Rouwendaal, Moniek Nijhuis and Ranomi Kromowidjojo.

The final was won by America, which tapped the side after 3.53.78. Australia and Canada completed the podium.
