Dutch producer wins Emmy Award for new ‘Heartbreak High’

The Amsterdam production company NewBe has a international Emmy Award won for the TV series Heartbreak High. The ‘reboot’ of the original Australian TV series was awarded the Emmy in the Kids: Live-Action category. The international award is presented annually to the best TV programs from outside the United States.

Heartbreak High revolves around a group of high school students and their daily activities in Australia. The reboot consists of eight episodes and has been available on Netflix since 2022, which has already announced a second season.

The series is based on the Australian series of the same name, which was broadcast in more than eighty countries, including the Netherlands, in the 1990s and was very popular. The reboot contains new storylines, new main characters and new actors. The series is also set in a different era. NewBe produced the series together with British production company Fremantle.

Last year, a Dutch production also won an international Emmy Award: the children’s series won Kabam!, about recognizable childhood fears, won the prize in the same category. That year the Dutch documentaries fell Dance or Die and Bellingcat – Truth In A Post-Truth World in the prices.

Also read
New ‘Heartbreak High’ is just as fresh as the original ever was

<strong>A new generation of students</strong> in the reboot of Heartbreak High.” class=”dmt-article-suggestion__image” src=”https://images.nrc.nl/8lfo2f-fkpY8gUIkidSQIzCJuvo=/160×96/smart/filters:no_upscale()/s3/static.nrc.nl/bvhw/files/2022/09/data90768785-da820f.jpg”/></p><aside data-article-id=
