Dutch politics has 300 climate activists blocking the highway | Buitenland

About 300 climate activists from Extinction Rebellion brought Amsterdam-Noord zaterdagnamiddag in rep en roer door de expressway A10 te blocks. The policy greets quickly in the arrest of the activists, who are arrested in buses. All will be served in middels, with the use of a first group of 27 people. He’s still looping, let’s have a political opinion.

The politie slaagde erin de quickweg within twee uur na de blokkade vrij te geven. Buses brought the arrestants and their children to Amsterdam-Noord. At the beginning of the blockade, 27 actievoerders were geared up, followed by their grandchildren, who were responsible for the political situation before they were taken away. “Levensgevaarlijk voor other weggebruikers en henzelf”, writes de politie op X.

‘An urgent need’

In particular, the police have to pay attention to the plaats, after the political situation there was a wapenstokken and some of the busses of the mobiele Eenheid. The city of Amsterdam had to urgently attend to the climate activists and the A10 demonstrators. Burgemeester Femke Halsema shows that he has ‘een other houding’ that is in the driehoek, but the two people are not blocked by the Extinction Rebellion of the A10.

The climate activists took part in the demonstration, which they were able to ride on the road and take part in the slots on the river. This morning there was a barrier between the activists who demonstrated quickly. Twee activists ketenden zichzelf zelfs vast aan de bietsen. The A10 passes through the New Sea in Amsterdam Oud-Zuid is in the middle of nowhere and is open to traffic.




