Dutch people from Sudan can temporarily stay at holiday parks | News item

News item | 05-05-2023 | 11:00 am

The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) has found shelter at six holiday parks in the Netherlands for the group of Dutch people who were evacuated from Sudan last week. It concerns approximately 160 people, including many young children, who have not found accommodation elsewhere. They can stay at the parks for the coming months. From there, more structural solutions are sought, depending on the wishes of the evacuees and the possibilities.

Heavy fighting broke out in Sudan in April. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense then decided to organize evacuation flights to the Netherlands. A number of Dutch people have now been taken care of by family or acquaintances. For those who could not find shelter, overnight stays in hotels were arranged. Immediately available housing was then urgently sought for these approximately 160 people. It was found at six holiday parks throughout the Netherlands. Today those who stayed in the hotels are taken to the holiday parks where they can relax. The holiday parks are intended as temporary shelter for the coming months. Subsequently, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, in collaboration with municipalities, will look for permanent housing in the Netherlands for those who want to stay here.
