Dutch house searched in German investigation into IS funding, ‘suspect from Limburg in the picture’

In a German police investigation into a financing network of the Islamic State, a Dutch home was also searched, the German Public Prosecution Service reported on Wednesday. Press agency ANP writes that it concerns a house in Limburg, and that the resident is also in the picture as a suspect. German and Dutch authorities could not cope with that on Wednesday NRC to confirm.

More than a thousand agents were involved in searches in at least 109 different places, the German OM writes. Seven people were arrested on suspicion of involvement in an international network that supported the activities of the terrorist organization IS.

The seven suspects would have acted as intermediaries. They collected the money that two other IS supporters collected via Telegram and funneled it to Syria. At least 65,000 euros would have been raised in this way, part of which would have been used to help IS members escape from prison camps.

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