Dutch hockey coach (24) wanted for murder of sports teacher (21) in school Australia | Abroad

Police in Australia are hunting a Dutch man believed to be involved in a brutal murder of a young woman in a school. It concerns 24-year-old hockey coach Paul T., a Dutchman. The man had a brief relationship with the young woman who was found dead.

The victim is 21-year-old Lilie James, a water polo trainer and dance teacher by profession. Her body was found by police in a bathroom of the gymnasium at St Andrew’s Cathedral School in Sydney, a prestigious private school for about 1,400 students. The young water polo coach worked there, together with her ex. She was said to have been killed “brutally”, reports ‘Sky News Australia’ based on the police.

Lilie James suffered serious head injuries, among other things. A hammer is said to have been used in the murder. “This is a horrible, horrible crime. It’s one of the worst I’ve seen in my life,” said Chris Minns, political leader of the Australian Labor Party. “An incredibly gruesome turn of events,” is how Education Minister Pru ​​Carr describes the school tragedy.

Didn’t come home again

21-year-old James did not come home this week and acquaintances raised the alarm. Officers then rushed to the school, where they came across her body. The police are now diligently looking for 24-year-old Paul T., who, like James, is an employee of the school. T. moved to Australia with his family from Brabant in the Netherlands in his teens and attended school at St Andrew’s for many years. He graduated in 2017 and has since worked there as a sports coach and extracurricular coordinator.

The Dutchman had recently started a new course in Sydney to gain more qualifications as a teacher. Between 2018 and 2021 he is also said to have followed a course at the University in Utrecht.

“She was the sweetest”

T. was not known to the police and has no history of violence. “There was nothing at all to indicate these problems,” an acquaintance of his told ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’. “We are shocked and dismayed.”

It is not clear whether T. has actually been identified as a murder suspect. In any case, on camera images from Wednesday evening, T. and James could be seen together at the school. The police are investigating these images and have also started a search at the Dutchman’s home. A car was also searched at the nearby Wilson Carpark. Some of the Dutchman’s belongings have now been found near a high cliff in the region. A police helicopter searched along the cliffs on Thursday morning, but so far without results.

The school in Sydney will remain closed until at least next week. Flowers have been laid at the building. “This is an extremely frightening event. A sad time for everyone,” police inspector Martin Fileman said at a press conference. “Not only for the families, but also for the students who are confronted with this today.”

Friends of James react in disbelief. “She was the sweetest person,” a close friend told The Sydney Morning Herald. “We are completely blown away by it. Lilie always supported other people’s dreams and goals. She worked hard to make the best of her life. As a friend, she was always there to talk. Her light will always shine.” The school has a ‘close-knit and caring community’, political leader Chris Minns told ‘The Guardian’. “And it will be desperately needed in the coming weeks, because that community will be hurting, the whole school will be hurting.”
