Dutch Customs presents Annual Review 2021 | news item

News item | 14-06-2022 | 11:00

Our annual overview of Customs Netherlands in 2021 was published this week. This review of the past year – in the form of an online magazine – is especially important for our external relations. Such as ministries, enforcement partners, politicians, the business community, opinion leaders and the press. We use this to inform them about developments in our organization and the results we have achieved.

The 2021 Annual Review tells the story of Customs. Naturally, we provide an overview of our activities in the past year and what they have yielded. Much of our work can be expressed in numbers. The key figures of our main work processes are included in our annual overview. For example, they show which and how many checks we have carried out and what this has led to. Behind these numbers is a whole world. In order to be able to do and continue to do our work well, we always make choices. We adapt procedures and processes, introduce new ways of working and apply innovative techniques. We explain how and why we do this with seven diverse topics that kept us busy in 2021.

In our annual overview we not only look back, but also to the future. We reflect on our ambitions and plans for the longer term. All kinds of developments within and outside our organization present considerable challenges. For example, the broad outflow of personnel due to an aging population and our greater role in combating subversive crime. And the growth of global trade, including through e-commerce. We have to respond to that in time. We are therefore working on an organization that is ready for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In 2021 we have taken several steps towards future-proof Customs, which we are happy to tell you about.

Became curious? Then take a look at the annual overview ‘Customs Netherlands in 2021’
