Dutch court releases Ukrainian people smuggler to fight against Russians | War Ukraine and Russia

Kubov Y. was on trial in the Netherlands yesterday with a co-defendant for allegedly helping eleven Albanians who tried to enter England illegally by boat. Y. is suspected of having arranged that boat and helping them with the crossing.

During the hearing, the man asked if he could be released.

Y. could face a prison sentence of twelve years or more for the offense. According to the court, a person can then only be released pending his case if there are compelling interests to do so. In the verdict, the judges write that this is the case, “in view of the war situation in Ukraine and the government’s appeal to its inhabitants to defend the country”.

Y.’s interest in complying with that call and being with his family in Ukraine outweighs the public interest in detaining the suspect. The man was released at 11 a.m. this morning.
