Dutch celebrities demolish Derk Bolt after a sad reaction to Spoorloos cheating

Derk Bolt is being torched throughout Hilversum because of his sad and childish performance in the talk show Khalid & Sophie. “His tone and attitude show no compassion at all.”


The television hit Spoorloos has lost its status as a reliable TV institute in one fell swoop now that Kees van der Spek has shown that the program has been cheated enormously. As a result, candidates are linked to the wrong biological families, which is of course unforgivable. For years, DNA tests haven’t even been done to determine the matches to check.

Derk in victim role

You would think that presenter Derk Bolt would go through the dust on live television, but nothing could be further from the truth. He especially felt sorry for himself yesterday during a sad and childish performance on the talk show Khalid & Sophie. Never before has a TV personality fallen off his pedestal at such an extreme rate.

Derk could not bear any criticism at the talk show table. He just sat there sighing and groaning and at one point even laughing. The most poignant is that he jumped in the gap for the cheating employee who has caused several mismatches. It was all very much ‘me, me, me’ with Derk.

Wouke stunned

Host Khalid Kasem spoke sternly to Derk when he started to downplay Kees van der Spek’s research. Derk then became very irritated: “Yes, that’s good, you can think so. Just think so. It’s okay, leave it be. It is well. Leave it alone.” Moments later: “Keep going. Mincing is done with great pleasure by everyone.”

Table lady Wouke van Scherrenburg was stunned and severely reprimanded Derk. “I miss the realization with you what has been done here, regardless of how guilty or innocent that gentleman there is. Something has been done here and you should find that really appalling.”

Dutch celebrities demolish Derk

After Khalid & Sophie, Derk was demolished in all other current programs. Nynke de Jong in Jinek: “If Derk Bolt had just stopped talking after one minute, it would have been fine. He was scornful about Kees van der Spek’s research. That’s just super stupid. Don’t go to do prime time on TV, that’s really stupid.”

Political journalist Joost Vullings said: “He is very defensive, so you still have the feeling that his child is being attacked. He takes on the victim role. He shouldn’t have sat there with this emotion.”

And Michiel Veenstra: “He himself said earlier: ‘I better not say anything for a while.’ He should have listened to himself in that regard.”

What does Angela think?

Angela de Jong is also extremely critical. She in Op1: “I understand that it takes some getting used to for the program that for the first time in thirty years they have serious headwinds and are criticized, but I did expect Derk Bolt to react a little more maturely than he did with Khalid & Sophie. ”

Evert Sankrediets in Shownieuws: “He is the face of the program and that’s you when things go well and it wins prizes, and unfortunately you are now also when you come under a lot of fire because people are disappointed. You have to go through that sour apple. He should have been much better prepared for that broadcast than he has now.”

‘Very very painful’

Derk falls through the cracks, Evert thinks. “Obviously he has been praised for years and then apparently you can’t handle it very badly when the wind blows from a different angle. It was extremely painful to watch.”

Colleague Bart Ettekoven: “Isn’t it painful how he is defending that man?”

Sandra Schuurhof: “It’s mainly in the tone. His tone and attitude show no regrets and compassion.”

And SBS 6 star Alberto Stegeman: “I thought he was very defensive and felt attacked. That is not necessary at all. Kees van der Spek has shown an abuse. That is very annoying for Spoorloos, but he has to react to it in a completely different way.”


A short excerpt from Derk at Khalid & Sophie:
