Dutch agricultural exports in 2023: slight growth due to price increases | News item

News item | 04-03-2024 | 09:08

The Netherlands exported agricultural goods worth €123.8 billion in 2023, 1.6% more than 2022. This limited growth is the result of price increases. The volume of exports decreased in 2023. Imports of agricultural goods decreased by 3.3% (€83.9 billion in 2023). This is evident from the annual study by Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR) and CBS on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV).

Minister Piet Adema: “The trade figures for Dutch agriculture show again this year how intertwined the Dutch agri-food sector is with the global market and that we play a major, innovative role in that market. We can be proud of this and we should not lose sight of this in the transition to sustainable agriculture. The Netherlands earns money from agriculture and farmers, gardeners and fishermen earn by (internationally) doing business, innovating and sharing our expertise with the world.”

Most trade with neighboring countries

The majority of our trade in both exports (71%) and imports (61%) of agricultural goods took place within the European Union (EU). In total agricultural exports, the share of exports to EU countries increased by 2.5%. As in previous years, most agricultural exports in 2023 went to neighboring countries. For example, 24% went to Germany, 12% to Belgium, 9% to France and 8% to the United Kingdom. Germany is traditionally the most important supplier of agricultural goods to the Netherlands with 19%. This was followed by Belgium and France, with 14% and 6% of our total imports of agricultural goods.

Of the €123.8 billion in agricultural exports, €82.1 billion consists of Dutch-made goods exports and €41.7 billion consists of re-exports of foreign-made agricultural goods. The most important commodity groups in exports were dairy and eggs (€12 billion), ornamental plant products (€11.5 billion), meat (€11.2 billion), potatoes and vegetables (€8.7 billion) and drinks (€8. 1 billion). Total earnings from agricultural exports amounted to €50.4 billion.

In terms of imports, the most important product groups for the Netherlands were natural fats and oils (€7.85 billion), fruit (€7.62 billion), drinks (€5.95 billion), other agricultural goods (€5.77 billion) and dairy and eggs (€5.71 billion). Of Dutch agricultural imports, 72.2% ultimately went abroad.

Consequences of war in Ukraine

In February 2022, the world was confronted with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This also has consequences for trade in agricultural goods. Compared to 2022, we will see a further decline in the export of agricultural goods to Russia in 2023 and we will see a slight increase in the import of agricultural goods from Ukraine.
