Düsseldorfer EG supports Mondt and Dolak despite a false start

After Düsseldorfer EG’s bad start in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL), managing director Harald Wirtz supported sports director Niki Mondt and head coach Thomas Dolak in a statement. Wirtz asked the fans for patience.

“After nine match days, the team is bottom of the table, and there are last places in almost all relevant ice hockey statistics,” the statement said. The club can therefore “understand the many negative reactions in the environment”. Nevertheless, DEG stands behind Mondt, behind the coaching team around Dolak “and behind the team. This is the common assessment of all shareholders.”

Düsseldorf has six points after nine games and only got two wins, none of which came in regular time. The only highlight of the season so far has been the success in the Rhine derby against the Kölner Haien, who got off to a strong start (4:3 nP).

“We want to see a clear positive sign from the team in the coming games. We expect developments and games to be won,” said Wirtz. “I appeal to everyone who cares about DEG to support our decision, to continue to be patient, to trust the people involved and to support the team.”
