During election time, does the real estate sector stop?

We are going through an election year and the same concern always arises: the real estate market is suffering and operations are not being carried out. Reality says otherwise.

If we go to the statistics we will be surprised. In 2011, the elections took place in the month of October, and in the previous month 8% more operations were carried out than in the same month of the previous year, the same thing happened the month of the elections, in which 7% more operations were carried out. % more operations than in 2010, and taking into account the total operations for the year, 2011 was 3% better than 2010.

In 2015, in the month before the elections, 14% more operations were carried out than the same month of the previous year and in October, there was 13% more activity than the previous year, and considering the year as a whole 2015 was 11% better than 2014. Statistics confirm that in both 2011 and 2015 this market perception was not met.

In 2019 the panorama changes since it was a year of economic crisis, which influenced the level of activity for the next three years.

But the issue that concerns us is the elections, and in order to analyze the effect of this period we will use the monthly average of operations for the years 2019, 2021 and 2022 (we do not use 2020 since it was a year affected by the pandemic), this average It was 2,635 operations per month, taking this average into account, the month before the elections, September 2019, had 9% more operations than the three-year average, while the month of October saw 20% more activity.

With these data we debunk the myth that election years are bad in real estate terms.

At Roilands we understand that the worst thing we can do is transfer external volatility to our internal processes, the added value that a service company must offer is, precisely, being able to “hack” the context to achieve the proposed business result. It all has to do with the management that is executed plus the correct interpretation of the market.

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