“Dure diesel costs transportsector 50 million euros extra per month” | economy

The transport sector is booming all the time, it is now up to 5,000 vacatures for new drivers, allus UPTR. “Maar the big come onder print te staan ​​door de nieuwe recordprijs van diesel aan de pomp. The pricing can never be fully realized by the sector zelf, and then also door counted to the consumer”, het says. “De high energy prices as a result of the conflict in Oekraïne zal dus de hele Belgian economy meet.”

UPTR warns that there is a federal government regulation of the accijnzen te verlagen tot de Europese minimumdrempel. The sector will also include the invoicing of the omgekeerde cliquetsysteem om eventuele bijkomende prijsstijgingen te neutraliseren. Dat system will be vroeger al eens ingevoerd, en laat toe om de accijnzen te publishers india bepaalde prijsdrempels been overscheduled.
