Duran Duran supports green values

Rock music ambassador Duran Duran will arrive in Finland for a concert on June 2. The band was last seen in Finland in 1982.

Duran Duran was last seen in Finland 40 years ago. AOP

The British band Duran Duran arrives in Finland to perform after a break of 40 years. The concert to be held in Kaisaniemi on June 2 will open the summer 2022 workshop in the field of open-air concerts.

Although the band is known worldwide, they have kept their head cold when it comes to gig raiders. The line-up, which values ​​green values, hopes that their visit to Helsinki will be as small as possible in terms of emissions.

Duran Duran members have compiled a wish list for their visit, starting with the fact that they will be transported by electric car from the airport to the hotel.

After their gig in Kaisaniemi, the band has hoped to rent bicycles to get them back to their hotel in central Helsinki after the concert.

Life at the hotel is also dedicated to enjoyment, as the band must have two Hawaiian masseuses at their disposal, which proved difficult to find in Helsinki.

The band has also announced that they will bring their own towels in case the towels provided by the gig organizer go to the trash after use. .

– In other respects, they do not take a position on the organization of the event, there are only wishes regarding themselves, the promoter Kalle Keskinen tells Loud from Live.

Finland has also been accepted to host a band that has gained worldwide fame.

– We are looking forward to the opening concert of the summer, after this whole corona break. The ticket sales have gone really well and more than 12,000 people are expected to attend. Tickets are still available, although some ticket types have already been sold out, Keskinen says.
