‘Duncan Laurence is only busy posting retarded photos’

The massive annoyance about Duncan Laurence is also shared by former winner Getty Kaspers, who is notorious for throwing all kinds of sharp opinions around Eurovision every year.


Duncan Laurence is causing a stir with his controversial behavior. His inability to perform as a mentor to Eurovision entry Mia & Dion is a thorn in the side of many. After their second failed performance, Duncan recorded a weird video in which he floats through a room. Is on drugs, think Evert Santegoeds and Gerard Joling.

“Where’s that boy?”

What does Getty Kaspers think? The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in 1975 gives spicy opinions about the song festival every year. For example, she invariably criticizes the judging and the choice of the Dutch entries.

This time Duncan Laurence cannot escape her wrath either. She thinks he has been far too invisible in the run-up to the Eurovision Song Contest. “Duncan? Duncan? Where is that man?”, she wonders in conversation with Privately. “That boy has won for our country, so it is the intention that you show your face every now and then.”

Afraid of the press

RTL Boulevard star Aran Bade states that Duncan is afraid of critical questions and that he therefore avoids the press as much as possible. He was not even at the farewell moment of Mia & Dion at Schiphol.

A huge miss, says Getty. According to her, he should have been there more. “Especially at this time of year and a lot more than he has done so far. The way he behaves in that position is just not right. When I say things like that, I get his fans right over me, but they might be a bit lost.”

Backwards photos

According to her, Duncan’s fans are terribly fanatical. “I understand that they support him, but at the same time they must also keep thinking about the Netherlands and the Eurovision Song Contest.”

She concludes: “I only see him posting stupid pictures on Facebook instead of doing things that really matter. Just act normal, I think.”
