Duncan Laurence, friend and dog parodied in Even Tot Hier

Duncan Laurence, his friend and their dog have been parodied in the television hit Even Tot Here. “Did you see it? He has built up a very creative team: his friend and his dog!”


The self-proclaimed superstar Duncan Laurence has many people saying that he has completely changed four years after winning the Eurovision Song Contest. He runs with big sunglasses past camera crews who want to ask him something, only walks around in black robes and masks that he has completely failed as a mentor.

creative team

Duncan was made fun of yesterday in the TV hit Even Until Here. “It is almost as irritating as Duncan’s pronunciation, who can only talk like that,” says Niels van der Laan with an American accent. “That has now become his statement, because he has an American boyfriend and then you just start talking differently.”

The comedian thinks that Duncan has done a really bad job as a mentor to Mia & Dion. Cynically: “Coaches are, we now know, really very important. It can’t be done without Duncan (put on American accent, ed.) and his creative team.”

Small dog

Jeroen: “No, have you seen it? He had built up a very creative team!”

Niels: “Yes, he had his friend and he had his dog!”

Ah, an artistic alliance with you foliage and your pet. And nobody saw it coming that it would go wrong? Jeroen: “There is only one thing crazier than two men with a small dog.”

Niels: “And that is two men with a small piano.”

Then they come up with a, literally and figuratively, fake song about Duncan. A little later it gets even more fun, when the gentlemen take on the role of Duncan’s ‘creative team’.


Parody of Duncan’s team:


And the song:
