Dumped alligator gered uit vijver in park New York | Buitenland

The 1.2 meter long reptile was found along the water in Prospect Park in Brooklyn after the workers in the park had been spotted. As a result, New York City Parks, the organization responsible for the size of the city, which was in a bad condition, was het sloom over and around the water in the shock door from where the water was. Het dier was brought to the Bronx Zoo om derzocht te. How high it is with the alligator gaat is not known.

Alligators come wel in the wild for in the United States, but live in front of the gates in many warmer states in the south-east of the country, such as Florida and South Carolina.

The crocodile, which is about to be brought up by the name of Godzilla, is likely to be dumped by anyone. Het achterlaten van dieren in stadsparken is illegal, de politie does daarom onderzoek. “Parken zijn geen history omgeving voor dieren the nieuwszender der nieuwszender. “In addition to the possible number of parks, it is possible to suffer from the elimination of such things as may occur in nature in a large area of ​​water quality.”

Bezoekers van het park responderden schokt op de vondst van het dier. “What? An alligator?” Zei Vijay Jacob, a father of two children’s pages of the ‘New York Post’. “It’s really scary, there’s a number of children coming in the middle of the park.”
