Duguina was executed by Russia

  • He assures that Daria Dugina and her father had criticized what Russia calls a military “special operation” in Ukraine

Oleksii Danilov, secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, assured this Tuesday that the murder of Daria Dugina, daughter of the Kremlin ideologue Aleksandr Dugin, was a “execution perpetrated by the Russian secret services and Ukraine had nothing to do with it.

Danilov, speaking on the Ukrainian Channel 24 reproduced by local agencies, denied the accusations of the Russian secret services, who have implicated Ukraine in Dugina’s death.

“We couldn’t care less about this person (Duguina), we really didn’t care. the FSB [Servicio Federal de Seguridad de la Federación Rusa] He did it, and now they are going to say that it was someone on our side who perpetrated it,” he said.

The head of Security and Defense of the country added that the Ukrainians “We don’t work like that. Our men and women have more important tasks. We are not at all involved in the explosion that killed this woman, it is the work of the Russian secret services,” he reiterated.

He further stated that Daria Dugina and her father had criticized what Russia calls a military “special operation” in Ukraine, because it seemed to them that it was taking too long.

In his opinion, it is the Russian secret services that are beginning to get rid of people who criticize Russia’s military “successes” in the war.

“Our Security Service has nothing to do with it & rdquor ;, stressed the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

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Russia accused Ukraine on Monday of the murder of the daughter of one of the ideologues of Russian imperialismDaria Dúguina in a terrorist attack that she attributed to a Ukrainian citizen and supposed agent of the secret services identified as Natalia Vovk, 43 years old.

“The crime was prepared and executed by the Ukrainian special services,” said the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia about the attack committed on Saturday night that killed Dúguina.
