Due to storm damage, it is not yet clear whether ADO – Telstar can be played in The Hague

It is not yet known whether the match between ADO Den Haag and Telstar can be played in the ADO stadium on Friday. The roof of the stadium was badly damaged by the storm last Friday.

A decision would be made on Monday, but the high winds prevented the researchers from doing their job properly today. “We benefit from having this investigation done as soon as possible. Today this will no longer be possible. We hope Tuesday or otherwise Wednesday. We will now write out some scenarios for Friday’s game,” said a spokesperson for ADO Den Haag.

It is not yet known whether ADO Den Haag will move to another stadium if it cannot be played in its own stadium on Friday. According to the KNVB, the stadium will be inspected on Wednesday. “We assume that you can simply play. Only if that is not the case will we speak about alternative scenarios,” responds Daan Schippers of the KNVB.
