Dry brushing: all the benefits of body brushing

basta a brush to perform small miracles: let’s talk about dry brushing, the perfect dry body “brushing” beauty routine for the summer. Nonot only renews the skin, stimulates microcirculation, favors the flow of lymphatic stagnations, but also keeps the skin luminous and tanned.

Dry brushing, Gwyneth Paltrow’s beauty secret

On the occasion of her latest tutorial dedicated to detox body treatments to do at home, filmed inside the Spa at her home in Montecito, California, the first step is precisely the dry brushing of the body.

Also called Dry Brushing, this treatment is much loved by the actress because it helps purify and detoxify the skin with minimal effort, as well as preparing it for subsequent treatments. Ideal all year round in summer, dry brushing prepares the skin for sun exposure and also prolongs the tan.

What is dry brushing?

The detox treatment is nothing more than a real one brushing on dry skin carried out with a special body brush with soft bristles, also dry. A real epidermal renewal treatment, dry brushing sstimulates the natural cellular turnover by exfoliating naturally and eliminating superficial dead cells.

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To be performed with circular movements in the most delicate areas and in a linear manner, from bottom to top, on the limbs, in the morning or in the evening. As soon as you get up, this treatment helps awaken the body and give a dose of energy; in the evening, on the other hand, it allows you to eliminate toxins accumulated during the day, drain and relax any tension.

The physical benefits of dry brushing

Body brushing has many benefits on the body. The most immediate is epidermal renewal. Fundamental is then theactivation of blood circulation, microcirculation and lymphatic system: consequently we have a reduction of cellulite and orange peel and therefore a faster elimination of toxins.

Not only that, dry brushing acts not only on the surface but also in depth, thus giving greater firmness to the skin thanks to and stimulating the elimination of liquidsi that stagnate in some areas of the body.

A caveat: dry brushing is not particularly suitable for the face. Here the skin is more sensitive than the rest of the body. Better to choose more specific scrubs, especially if the epidermis is oily or acneic because it could make the situation worse.

And the emotional ones

The benefits of dry brushing are not only physical but also emotional. ANDmotivationally, it is said to act in two different ways: if you brush the upper body, new emotions and feelings are stimulated; conversely, the lower part blocks dormant and forgotten feelings.

