Drunk driver killed Vincent’s daughter 13 years ago: “Driver chooses drunk state himself” | Inland

There are still too few alcohol controls. That’s what Vincent Leus says, who lost his daughter thirteen years ago. The girl was killed by a drunk driver. According to the man, little has changed in terms of controls and behavior after all these years.


Jun 25 2022

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VTM News

Thirteen years ago, a drunk driver Emilie Leus, a medical student, rode off her bicycle. She did not survive the accident. Since then, her father Vincent Leus has been giving lectures to make people aware of the consequences of alcohol in traffic. According to the man, there are still far too few alcohol checks today. “It’s a recurring story”, Vincent Leus, who founded the Emilie Leus fund, testifies to ‘VTM Nieuws’.

“During the corona period, I was checked more whether I was allowed to be effective on the track than I was ever checked for driving under the influence of alcohol,” Vincent continues. According to European studies, the chance of being caught in our country is around the European average, but one in three people indicate that they get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol.

According to Leus, something urgently needs to change, namely “raising awareness that alcohol and driving do not mix, more checks at any time of the day and at any time of the year”. “One should not limit oneself only to the BOB checks”, says the man.

The 24-year-old motorist who killed a 23-year-old cyclist under the influence in the night from Friday to Saturday in Roeselare, was released on Saturday by the investigating judge under very strict conditions. “In other countries, that man is behind bars for several weeks. Is that strict? Yes, but he did cause death in his condition. He has chosen to go out all night and take a girl’s life in his condition,” concludes Emilie’s father.

Emilie, the daughter of Vincent Leus, was killed by a drunk driver thirteen years ago. © VTM News
