Drummer Mooi Wark out of the running due to arterial bleeding

The drummer of Drenthe band Mooi Wark has to leave his drumsticks for the time being. Due to an arterial bleeding and severed tendons in his left hand, Dennis Hendriks cannot play for at least two months.

“The timing is still quite good,” says Hendriks Newspaper of the North. “We have the holiday ahead of us. For me it just takes a little longer than for the rest of the band, haha.”

The musician is injured because he tried to catch a falling glass lamp on Saturday night. In doing so, he received a shard of glass in his left hand. It caused considerable damage: a severed artery and two tendons. In addition, a nerve trunk was hit.

“There was quite a bit of blood involved. I just came back from a performance so I had a few snacks, so to speak. I was immediately picked up by the ambulance.”

Hendriks underwent emergency surgery at the Martini hospital in Groningen. Although the drummer will not be able to play for the next six to eight weeks, the chances of a full recovery are ‘very high’.

The band’s shows in the Hornhuus and at the Mega Pirate Festival will continue as planned, with a stand-in drummer. “I’m sure I’ll be there again at the theater tour in January.”
