Drukkerijmuseum will not receive another invitation from the municipality for a meeting

As a Meppel society, are we going to put our shoulders under the Drukkerijmuseum? And does the municipality agree? Henk Timmer, council member of the PvdA, asks these questions to alderman Jeannet Bos.

Society in Meppel is already doing that, he and the rest of the city council conclude. “The city council can’t stay behind,” he says. But opinions are divided on whether the municipality is fully committed to the museum. “It is a pity that the municipal council is so business-like,” responds Eduard Annen, party chairman of Sterk Meppel, the largest party in Meppel.

The Printing Museum in Meppel is struggling with financial problems. The fixed costs are rising and the income from ticket sales is still somewhat disappointing. The number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-corona levels. Reason for the board to ask the municipality for extra subsidy. The museum receives 26,000 euros annually. The museum hopes to receive 70,000 euros per year. The municipality did not agree.

The board then saw no other reason than to close the doors of the museum. They will close permanently on June 1, unless extra money comes. Entrepreneurs have meanwhile started crowdfunding and a petition has been started from residents. It went online this weekend and has more than 2,000 signatures.

The CDA and the PvdA call on the alderman to talk to the museum again to see if the closure of June 1 can be postponed, and what is needed for this.

“That conversation has already been held,” responds alderman Jeannet Bos. “The answer we get from the board is that a tripling of the subsidy is necessary. We think that is not responsible. However painful it may be.” Because the museum is struggling with problems, she says. “Really and truly.”
