Drugs and guns in the apartment – caretaker in court

Because he is said to have sold all kinds of drugs, a caretaker from Moabit is standing before the Berlin district court.

The prosecutor’s office accuses Klaus S. (55) of armed trafficking in large quantities of narcotics and of violating the Weapons Act.

It’s about cocaine, amphetamine, heroin and marijuana, a banned brass knuckles in his pocket and a combat knife ready to hand in his apartment on Birkenstrasse.

Klaus S. has been in custody since October 11, 2021. “My life was shaped by drug addiction,” says the 1.90 meter man. In 2011 he successfully completed therapy in Berlin. Get off the drugs.

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► Trio admits drug deals worth millions

► Caregiver is said to have ripped off more than 86,000 euros from the elderly

But at the end of 2020, in the Corona period, he slipped back into dependency: “I feel like a failure.” He denies the sale of cocaine and heroin: “I injected myself.” He used large amounts every day.

Judgment on May 5th.
