Drug trafficking: a lawyer against the Judiciary

Juan Manuel Casolatti He repeats that what he has in front of him is a sign of “complicity between Justice and police corruption.” The lawyer defends two men charged in a case for drug sales and, according to him, there is no evidence against him. He assures that a group of the Buenos Aires Police that carried out the operations stole belongings from his clients, that another cash extorted the brother of one of his defendants asking for money in exchange for his freedom and that the prosecutor, Diego Guidathe same one who is involved today in the cause of adulterated cocaine, dismissed each of these elements.

Casolati He denounced the prosecutor on March 10 for abuse of authority and breach of the duties of a public official. Six days later, the prosecutor of the UFI No. 9 of San Martín, Edgardo Ledesma, filed the complaint against his colleague. For Casolatiit is clear: “I asked the attorney general Marcelo Lapargo send my complaint against guide to another judicial department, how would someone who works side by side with whom I am pointing out solve it?

Acts. The story begins with a case for drug trafficking in charge of the DDI undersecretary of José C. Paz. Two raids were ordered and the result was the seizure of marijuana, cocaine and the arrest of two people: Maicol Aponte Salas and Gastón González Ríos. Finally, the case was left in the hands of the provincial Justice and the prosecutor guide.

Casolati reaches his clients at that moment. He says that they have proof. It is a video of the moment of the raid in which it is seen how some troops leave one of the houses with bags of clothes and a chat in which a police officer asks the brother of one of the accused for $50,000 for the release of both.

According Casolati, guide It took him four months to accept that his defendants testify again and provide this new evidence: “He told me that it was taking a while because they had sent him the case electronically and that it was a hassle to print it. When I told him I was going to report him, he started taking the statements.”

It was then that his defendants provided all this evidence in court and, in addition, at the request of the lawyer, the prosecutor called the police officers who participated in the operation and the four witnesses who observed the raid to testify.

“The officers said that everything was done properly and that the witnesses could see every movement. But the witnesses denied the police because they said they had not gone through the houses during the procedure and had not seen where the drugs were found. One said: ‘I stayed at the door and they kept me standing there for four or five hours,’ said the lawyer.

Everything smells bad in this case.

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