Drug investigation in Beek en Donk: police raid business premises

The police and an arrest team raided a business premises on Korenmijt in Beek en Donk on Sunday. The raid was related to a drug investigation. But a police spokesperson did not want to say what exactly was being searched for. According to the owner of the building, there was a misunderstanding.

The raid happened at the end of the afternoon. Additional officers, a hazardous substances advisor from the fire brigade and the LFO (National Dismantling Support Facility) were later called in. They specialize in dismantling drug labs and securing dangerous chemicals.

“We were raided in a drug operation, I can’t say anything more at this time,” was all a spokesperson wanted to say. More information will probably be available on Monday, the spokesperson said.

Buckets and jerry cans could be seen from the public road in the hall of the business premises. It is not known what was in this, and whether it has anything to do with the police raid.

The 112 reporter also noticed that there were a lot of people present in the business premises, they spoke Polish and limited Dutch.

According to the owner of the building, no drugs were found in the building, but large quantities of washing powder were stored that his Polish employees wanted to sell in Poland. According to him, the police left without having accomplished anything. A police spokesperson says he cannot say anything about it and that more will be announced on Monday.
