Drug criminals convert 3 billion in East Netherlands, by comparison: that is almost as much as Post NL | Home

Drug crime in the east of the Netherlands turns out to be a multi-billion dollar trade. Every year there is a turnover of 3 billion euros: 1 billion in weed and 2 billion in synthetic drugs, such as ecstasy.

That is what Marthyne Kunst, chief public prosecutor in the east of the Netherlands, says, based on new figures from the police, among others. She wants extra money for the fight against drug crime. According to her, the eastern Netherlands is now a frontrunner when it comes to drug labs and dumping of drug waste.

3 billion in drug turnover is an enormous amount, acknowledges the top boss of the Public Prosecution Service in Arnhem. By way of comparison: PostNL had an annual turnover of approximately 3.5 billion euros in 2021.


It is the first time that the figure of 3 billion has been so explicitly mentioned. These are, of course, estimates. Drug criminals simply don’t file tax returns. Yet this is a very realistic amount, says the Regional Information and Expertise Center (RIEC).
