Drought increases demand for artificial grass

Drought increases demand for artificial grass

Natural grass will have a hard time this summer due to the drought. It looks dead and is a shadow of the untouched turf of the first-class football teams. In addition to football pitches, more and more gardens are turning green permanently because the owners are opting for artificial grass.

Returned from vacation

Companies that trade in artificial grass are doing great business during this hot period. “Last week we already noticed that there were extra questions and that’s why we came from vacation earlier,” says trader Mark Vanallemeersch. He tackles both village gardens and estates of villas. The average garden with artificial grass measures between 30 and 120 square meters. Just like in the sweltering summers of 2018 and 2019, these are busy months for him.

You will not get any fauna and flora on artificial grass. That is why customers who buy artificial grass are advised to provide trees and plants next to it that can provide the necessary shade.

On the other hand, maintaining an artificial turf does not consume precious water, where some would desperately water their normal grass to keep it green. For a spotless carpet in the garden, the wallet has to open wide. Artificial grass is about ten times more expensive than regular grass.
