Drought in Zoetermeer: ​​these tips will keep your garden nice and green

During the drought

Tip one: don’t water too often

It makes sense: give your plants some water every day. Still, Sanne advises against it. She says, “It’s better to water your plants a lot once a week than a little every day. If your plants are watered every day, they will soon become a lazy plant.” Sanne says that the plants that occasionally get a lot of water ‘have to do their best’ and therefore develop a deeper root system. “The plant therefore grows deeper and can therefore absorb more water,” she concludes.

Tip two: preferably water in the morning

Watering your plants after a hot day? That is possible, but according to Sanne it is better if you walk by with the watering can in the morning. Sanne: “In the morning the sun doesn’t shine much and not very hard either. If you start spraying in the evening, the soil and plants will stay wet. That is sensitive to mould. When you water during the day, some of the water evaporates before it can reach the plants.”

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Blooming roses. Photo: in the neighborhood of Zoetermeer

Tip three: with potted plants feel good about the soil

In general, according to Sanne, it is best to let plants grow in the ground. Do you still choose to put a plant in a pot? Then you have to feel whether the earth remains moist. Sanne: “Of course, there is not a lot of soil in a pot, which is why the soil dries out faster. If you do have plants in a pot, it’s best to feel deep into the soil with your finger to see if it’s dry. Potted plants therefore need water more often than once a week during a dry period.”

Tip four: wait a while before mowing the lawn

Now that the sun is shining and you may spend a lot of time in the garden, it is tempting to leave your lawn as perfect as possible. Still, Sanne advises that it is better to leave the lawnmower in the shed. “Grass that has been cut burns faster. This makes it very dry. So feel free to let it grow a little longer, then it will be much greener!”

Swipe left to see what you can do in advance to keep a cool garden.
