Drought: Heuvelland introduces campfire ban

Drought: Heuvelland introduces campfire ban

Only yesterday there was a fire on a wheat field in Loker.

The decision can count on a lot of understanding from the youth movements, although they think it is a shame. Igor Bulcke, KLJ Schiplaken: “We think that’s a shame, especially because we had an ideal fire pit. Completely safe. We always take measures, such as water nearby, there are always two leaders who don’t drink to keep an eye on it. We get it, but it’s a shame.”

But the acting mayor of Heuvelland does not want to take any risks. Especially after the fire on a freshly mowed wheat field yesterday in Loker. A spark from a machine may have been the source of the fire. Bart Vanacker, acting mayor of Heuvelland: “We are standing on a barren grass field here, so that can also spread very quickly. We have the farm right next to this, the afforestation is also very close, and of course behind me is the shopping area of ​​the Zwarte mountain. It may not get that far before action is taken, but it is a general prohibition.” (read more below the photo)

And that ban applies to all youth movements at camp in Heuvelland, about ten. A campfire is a symbolic closing moment, but here they already have an alternative. Igor Bulcke, KLJ Schiplaken: “We already had it three years ago. Then we put all the wood against each other, and circled it with Christmas lights, to give it a bit of atmosphere.”

And this time they are allowed to use the Christmas lights of the municipality.
