Dropouts appear in Who is the mole? but cause even more confusion | Show

Who is the mole?The fourth episode of Who is the mole? started promisingly with images of mysterious, James Bond-like figures sneaking through an antique market, but the viewer was left confused and even a little irritated after an hour. In the section Dig deep we pick out three remarkable moments:

1. The return of the dropouts

At this point we had already been waiting for three episodes: the dropouts – Babs Schutte, Jip van den Toorn and Justin Mooijer – were allowed to compete for their return to the game. With hoodies pulled over their heads and dark sunglasses on their noses, they crept through an antique market looking for tools to open a special amulet cabinet. If another candidate noticed the trio, their participation would be over. Although it was amusing to see Jip develop into a true 007 agent, it was never really exciting. The other candidates were absorbed in their own assignment. Speaking of the dropouts: they can’t possibly be the Mole, right? If this scenerio did come true, the expelled Mole would have had no influence on one or more episodes. Seems like the bankruptcy of the game to us!

Where we were last week our arrows were aimed at Rian Gerritsen like a rather invisible and lazy Mole, doubt has now set in. Fons Hendriks, in normal life a decent journalist for the TV program Radar, was lying a lot. Wow! During a telephone conversation where he should have earned money for the pot, he casually raked in a joker for himself. He played innocence itself against his buddy Kees van der Spek: he would just fill the pot. But we also have to keep an eye on Kees. Why did he let Fons call for so long, knowing that every minute was precious? Also later in the broadcast, Kees made a suspicious comment, although we admit that it may be a bit far-fetched. Kees talked about his many travels for work (TV program Oplichters Aanspraak, ed.). Normally he flies to his destination with a cameraman and a victim. Now he was surrounded by several ‘victims’ on the plane. Victims of the Mole?

Episode four turned out to be one big cliffhanger. No jokers were awarded by game leader Rik. There was no test, nor an execution. And the viewer was left in the dark during the second game. The candidates played various games on a boat, but apparently did so poorly that no less than 500 euros disappeared from the pot. What on earth games went wrong? We can guess one. Kees, who previously noted that he had excellent topographical knowledge, suddenly named a non-existent country with a W: Western Samoa. All those cliffhangers caused irritation. The big question was also not answered during this fourth episode: which dropout – Babs, Jip or Justin – is in the lilac-colored box and will soon return to the game? Fons seemed to have inside information. Staring at the coffin he said, ‘Who’s in there?’ Huh? He couldn’t possibly know the contents of the chest, could he? Except… if he’s the Mole.

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